With the long-term vision of BearFriends in mind, we reckon that a sustainable token economy is so important that BearFriends has adopted a F2E(Fight to Earn) economical model to reduce cryptocurrency inflation and enhance the player experience through competition and socialization.


In this economic, the income of users mainly comes from the game between users rather than inflation, and most of the driving force for the game comes from psychological appeal. The driving force of user growth is partly from inflation and partly from the ecosystem, and the micro-inflation can be solved by introducing destruction and new consumption points at the later stage.

Core characters

Character Play games Buy tickets get winner reward Invite friends Create room Extra bouns staking reward

Core assets

Asset Function
Bear Avatar Unique identity;props airdrop;government;10 more ATK 1
Integrated Avatar Unique identity;10 more ATK 1
Land Right of invitation;Inviting bouns
$Bear Buy ticket; Captain incentive ; Land upgrading;trading;Rental;Avatar upgrading; Tournament ticket
$OJ Token Platform token;buy core assets of other projects ; IGO; INO; buy specific props in other projects